The Electrosvyaz Magazine is one of the leading science & technical magazines in Russia. It covers wide spheres of problems in electronics, communication, information technologies, radio engineering, wire communications and wireless networks, satellite telecommunication, TV broadcast, etc.

It is intended for ICT experts.

The monthly technology magazine on telecommunications, television and radio broadcasting journal Electrosvyaz was established in 1933.


· Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications

· Russian A.S. Popov Society for Radioengineering, Electronics & Communications

· International Telecommunications Academy

JSC Info-Electrosvyaz

Electrosvyaz Magazine has the Internet version. The wide geography of distribution makes the given edition by the effective data carrier, addressed to professionals and end users in Russian Federation and CIS.

Special releases of Electrosvyaz Magazine

· Technologies of information society

· Radio engineering

· Radio frequency optimization and electromagnetic monitoring

· Wire communications

· Wireless networks

· Systems of mobile communication

· Digital TV and radio broadcasting

· Telecommunication technologies and services

· Mathematical modeling systems and means of communication

· Information security

· Measurements and metrology

· Satellite telecommunication

· Economy and management in telecommunications

According to the decision of Presidium of Highest certifying commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Eleсtrosvyaz Trade magazine is included in the List of leading reviewed scientific editions in which the main scientific results of theses on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor and the candidate of science have to be published


Electrosvyaz - Magazine

105 064, Russia, Moscow, Kazakova street, 16A, building 1
Tеl. +7 (495) 647-17-77 (0019)


At the sending of articles please follow rules stated below.

Requirements to the manuscripts

1. ELECTROSVYAZ TRADE MAGAZINE accept to consideration only articles corresponding to journal"s subject .

2. Scientific and technical articles have to come to edition with all necessary accompanying documentation: the expert opinion, the summary (on the separate page) in the Russian and English languages, information about authors. It is desirable the cover letter from the organization with a request for its publication and the internal review.

3. The title of article, keywords, full names, place of work, a position and academic degree of authors are provided in the Russian and English languages at the beginning of article.

4. The volume of article shouldn"t exceed 20 000 characters. Font — The Times New Roman, a font size — 14, a line spacing — one-and-a-half. Tables, conclusions, drawings, bibliography aren"t considered in volume of article .

5. It is necessary to specify exact number on the universal decimal classification (UDC).

6. On a single sheet data on all authors in Russian are provided: a surname, a name and a middle name, year of birth, a position and a place of work, a scientific rank and an academic degree, the home address (it is obligatory with the postal index), contact phones, e-mail.

7. The terms used in article, definitions, units of physical quantities, symbols have to correspond to the operating GOST.

8. Articles are presented to edition in electronic form. An e-mail address for sending materials:

9. Formulas should be typed in a formula processor MathType. It is necessary to avoid hand-written, Gothic letters and other seldom used difficult symbols.

10. In the presence in article of difficult formulas it is desirable to give explanations, where a capital letter, and where — lower case, where Latin, and where — the Russian. For example «в» Rus., «b» Lat., «k»" Lat «.» j" Lat. (жи), «п» Rus. The same belongs to the letter «o» and figure 0 (zero). We ask to allocate explanations in the color.

11. Numbering of formulas has to be serial, through, the Arab figures in parentheses, Numbering of literary links — in square brackets. Footnotes are designated over line: to phrases and words — the Arab figure, to figures — an asterisk. It is necessary to number only formulas on which references in the text are given.

12. Technical characteristics, digital and other data should be made out whenever possible in the form of tables or conclusions (the table without rulers). They have to be compact and be explained in the text.

Requirements to the bibliography

Links to the used literature should be made out in accordance with GOST 7.0.5−2008. Links to the used literature have to follow as their mention in article.

Requirements to illustrations

1. Illustrations have to be presented in electronic form in the graphic TIFF (*.tif) /JPEG editors (*.jpg) / Corell Draw (*.cdr).

2. Signatures to drawings have to stand out of a field of the drawing.

3. Text information and symbols it is necessary to bring into the text of article.

The sending in edition of works which are already printed or sent to other editions, isn"t allowed.

We remind readers that Eleсtrosvyaz Trade Magazine is included in the List of leading reviewed scientific editions in which the main scientific results of theses on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor and the candidate of science have to be published.


All articles undergo a compulsory procedure of external reviewing.

1. The editor-in-chief (the deputy editor-in-chief) sent the article for the review to the associate editor (expert) dealing with issues of the reviewed material.

The term of article"s departure for the review — one week.

Reviewing term — one month.

The review has to contain:

• assessment of relevance and scientific level of work;

• the indication of the basic mistakes and inaccuracies allowed by the author;

• recommendations about their elimination;

• conclusions about expediency of publication of article in the presented look.

2. The copy of the review is sent to the author for revision; the corrected article (if necessary) is resent to the reviewer.

3. Upon receipt of a positive conclusion the editor-in-chief defines the section of the magazine in which article will be placed.

4. The notice of acceptance and approximate terms of the publication of article is sending to the author.

5. Upon receipt of a negative conclusion motivated refusal is sending to the author.

6. The editorial board can make the decision on publication of article out of turn.

7. Article adopted to the publication is sent to the editor. Editorial amendments will be surely coordinated with authors of article.

Butenko Valery, Editor-in-Chief

Editorial Board

Adjemov Artem Sergeevich

President of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (МТUCI), professor, Dr.Sci.(Tech.), Russia

Bachevskiy Sergey Victorovich

Rector of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT), the honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation, professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Russia

Burdin Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Head of the department Communication lines and measurements in communication technology of Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, professor, Dr.Sci.(Tech.), Russia

Efimushkin Vladimir Alexandrovich

Project Manager of ANO Rostec-Digital Transformation, Ph.D., Russia

Grigoryev Vladimir Alexandrovich

Head of Wireless Telecommunications Department of ITMO University, chief editor, professor, Dr.Sci. (Tech.), Russia

Ivanov Oleg Anatolyevich

Head of FSUE NIIR, Ph. D, Russia

Kizima Stanislav Vasilievich

FSUE NIIR, ITU expert, Dr.Sci. (Tech.), Russia

Krupnov Alexander Evgenievich

Advisor of PJSC VimpelCom, Ph.D., Russia

Kucheryavy Alexander Eugenjevich

Head of Telecommunication Networks and Data Transmission department of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT), Dr.Sci. (Tech.), Russia

Kukk Kalju Ivanovich

Expert, Dr.Sci. (Tech.), Russia

Lemeshko Nikolay Vasilyevich

Expert, Dr. Sci (Tech), Russia

Livshits Veniamin Naumovich

Institute for Systems Analysis, Dr.Sci. (Еcon.), Russia

Mishenkov Sergey Lvovich

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (МТUCI), Dr.Sci. (Tech.), professor, Russia

Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich

Director General of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (RCC EC), Ph.D., Russia

Murashov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Associate director of the National computer incident
response & coordination center

Nazeykin Anatoly Georgievich

Presidentof Communication Worker` Union Russia, professor, Ph.D., Russia

Ositis Anastasja Petrovna

President of the International Telecommunications Academy, Ph.D., Russia

Reznikova Natalya Petrovna

Chief researcher of the FSUE NIIR, professor, Dr.Sci. (Еcon.), Russia

Sheredin Roman Valerievich

Ph.D., Russia

Spodobaev Yuri Mikhailovich

Scientific-educational center technical electrodynamics and antenna systems of the Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR), Samara branch (NIIR-SONIIR), chief researcher, Dr.Sci. (Tech.), Russia

Stoupnitsky Mikhail Mikhailovich

Scientific Secretary of the Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR), Ph.D., Russia

Strelets Victor Andreevich

Scientific consultant of the Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR), Chairman ITU-R Study Group 4, Ph.D., Russia

Tikhvinskiy Valery Olegovich

Chief researcher of the FSUE NIIR, prof. of Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (МТUCI), Russia

Vityazev Vladimir Victorovich

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (RSREU), head of Telecommunications Department, professor, Dr.Sci.(Tech.), Russia

Volodina Elena Evgenievna

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (МТUCI), Chief researcher of the FSUE NIIR, Dr.Sci.(Еcon.), Russia

Zubarev Yury Borisovich

MNITI, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Russia



ALPATOVA Irina, General Director
VOLYNKINA Eugenia, editor

Russia, 105 064, Moscow, Kazakova street, 16A, building 1
Tеl.: +7 (495) 647-17-77 (3611)

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